Scary Baptist

"I've often heard Big Love compared to a soap opera, but soap operas are rarely this dense, satisfying, or eventful."

THAT was my first thought, Nathan.

NO! I'm telling you people, we need to DUMP ALASKA. Give it to Canada. Tell them it's their birthday.


I just can't see Jindal wanting to work with that Alaskin ——

"Thank you. Now me and my 3 wives and my 8 children are going to finish our roadtrip to Cumora, but we'll think about what you said."

I wish God had cursed me with Native American skin at some point — this white Irish skin has gotten me more severe sunburns than I can count!
; )

To: Oh No No No

Did anyone else think about this?
If you were Bill, what would YOU have said to the Scary Baptist?

So, what do you think
House would be like at a REAL job interview?


OK, that's just WEIRD.

So …. do Mormons believe that it IS ok to use birth control …. provided you're using it to make your family bigger? (ie spread out your pregnancies)

that post-mortem baptism raises a lot of issues —


The "unexpected pregnancy" and following "oh well there's no baby after all" did feel a little cheap.

I LOVED that the show dealt with

I think the show does a great job at showing Bill being honest with the "Heavenly Father" and not denying his doubts. This, I think, occurs in all religions — if you don't have doubts than you haven't been practicing very long.

"Just because the Bible says a son can't get it on with the wife of his dad, doesn't mean WE can't get it on…" ?