
0% chance of that. No body means no death.

That has to be the older girl. The younger girl said there was something wrong with her.

…and then Carol comes upon them in the woods, leading to all sorts of awkwardness.

No. That isn't at all what you've "always thought". You repeatedly and bizarrely insisted that Carol killed them after they had already turned, even though that completely destroyed any and all dramatic potential for the storyline. But now that it seems to be likely the girls were involved, I guess you're flipping.

I think number three is correct. Poor Tyrese. He's going to be stuck babysitting the two girls and a baby.

I absolutely thought Beth was dead. But I guess they're setting up a romance with her and Daryl.

Daryl is alone with Beth. They're not with Tyrese. And Sasha, Bob, and Maggie are together. I think Tyrese and the kids will stumble upon Carol. And it still may be that it was the girls who killed Karen and David, with Carol cleaning up after them, so that will lead to some awkwardness.
And Lily and Tara were left

They still could've shown a walker about to eat the baby. The fact that they showed nothing means the baby is alive.

For all Rick knows, they knew that and didn't care.

They still would've shown a zombie stumbling towards the car seat and then cutaway or something. Judith is absolutely still alive.

She might not be on the bus, but she's okay. She's probably what the girls went back for. .

I still can't believe how well she's doing with only one shoulder.

They made such a point of her not joining in on the attack, I have to believe she comes back. She'll probably join up with one of the many scattered groups from the prison.

Baby is alive. No body means no death. It's the cardinal rule of TV and movies.

No. It's not on TV anywhere. I literally haven't seen it in two decades.

They've had characters hang lanterns on their plot holes for years. It used to be funny.

You've stopped making any sense at all and you're scaring me a little. Please stop.

What the fucking fuck, idiot? What is wrong with you? Move on.

Yes, everyone knows there are only about thirty-five or so television shows in the world and that people come to the AV Club to find out what happened on each episode. Therefore your comparable is spot-on.

You kind of have to ignore the blatant homophobia. I would be reluctant to let kids watch it for that reason.