You keep saying "we'll see" as if it's actually up for debate. It's not. Your scenario has the same chances as a unicorn arriving.
You keep saying "we'll see" as if it's actually up for debate. It's not. Your scenario has the same chances as a unicorn arriving.
A unicorn arriving from outerspace would be an imaginative twist, but it sure would be shitty writing if it happened on this show. Carol wasn't giving a deposition. She's also not an android that can only respond "yes" or "no". If she thought for even a second that Rick had the impression that she had committed…
So she wanted to leave Rick with the impression that she murdered them? Obvious isn't always the best way to lay out a story, but it is a story. Carol killing two walkers isn't a story at all.
You're attempting to "imagine" you way out of an interesting story line into no story line at all. I can't even guess as to why. Killing walkers literally happens every week. For Carol to not tell anyone she killed two walkers, even when asked point-blank by Rick "did you kill those people?", would the dumb fuckiest…
Again, Tyreese assumed (as did everyone) that they were killed while they were still alive and human. There's absolutely no story here otherwise. People kill walkers every single day. For Tyreese to get angry about that is absurd. The story line would be DOA.
It's not a plot hole. They weren't zombies. She killed two people.
Well. that works. It makes no sense that the girls killed and dragged the bodies out on their own and lit them on fire and somehow Carol magically intuits this and covers for them. That's too crazy.
But yeah, if she caught them in the act and then covered for them, that works.
Carol would be bent over if she were dragging a dead body. That's why the hand print was so low.
Seems to me everyone's fate is currently threatened.
Then there's no story and no reason for Carol to not tell everyone what happened. That would be the worst possible way to conclude this storyline.
But then the water would recede and they'd be fine again.
It was dropped because it was a horrible law.
I think that was only in the comic, and it was dropped after Rick saw that it was wholly impractical. There are many reasons to kill people in this world.
Indeed. That how you know she didn't just kill two zombies. That's a complete non-story.
There would be no reason for Carol to hide the fact that she killed them had they already been dead and turned. No one would've been the least bit angry at her, not even Tyrese. Obviously they were still alive.
Yes, she killed them while they were still living. if they had turned, she wouldn't have killed them in secret.
Sometimes a cough comes without warning, especially when you're sick. He may have not had time.
He was cool and calm before his girlfriend was murdered. Then he became angry and irrational. That seems like a very easy thing to buy, and something that would happen to nearly anyone.
Good point.
He could be little Andy. But then Alex is not even pictured, which is also weird.