
Wow, you're really upset a man had the temerity to correct you when you were irrefutably wrong, aren't you? How sad.

Yeah, as much as I appreciate your attempts to paint me as some sexist douchebag who makes jokes about women being on the rag, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you.

Honorable men don't lie about what they've said in the past and falsely claim to be taken out of context. You know he did that, right? And I proved it? And you had absolutely no way of refuting it, so you ignored it? Classy, both of you. You have no concept of honor and that's why you've aligned yourself with the

Your tone indicates you're being sarcastic. And yet, your definition was literally, as you said, "totally different" and it does quite plainly contradict the "offhand" comment you made, in which you defined "mansplaining" incorrectly. (Not sure what made it an "offhand" comment. Is there any other kind of comment on

I think I was just plain explaining it. Trying to save you a little embarrassment at your ignorance. But if it makes you more comfortable, I got the definition from Jezebel. So really you've been womansplained.

Yes, I have no doubt you'll just love it. Birds of a feather and all that.
But…odd. No rebuttal? No apology for lying about his views? No expression of surprise or regret that you've been defending a man who advocates the imprisonment of (some) gay people (don't worry, only the really egregious ones), and who

Oh yes, so very very unfair. Maybe you should find the sources of the quotes yourself to determine the context yourself rather than rely on Card to tell you what he really meant. Nope? Okay then, at the risk of sounding "shrill", I will.
The first thing your link addressed is that Card wanted anti-sodomy laws on the

That's not even what "mansplaining" is. It's when a man condescendingly explains some concept to a woman that he assumes she doesn't know because she's a woman.

Oh, fuck. I remember loving that series and have absolutely zero memory of a teenage prostitute.

Most Catholics don't agree with all of Catholic doctrine. But the ones who believe that sodomy should be illegal and that most gay people were molested or raped as children (which made them gay), and that gay marriage is the equivalent of children playing dress-up in their children's clothes and that overthrow of the

I read A Spell for Chameleon in 7th grade and loved it. I became an avid reader of all Anthony's books until I got older and older and they got increasingly creepier and creepier. There is a book in the Xanth series called "The Color of Her Panties" and it features an extended sequence of a couple female characters,

The pigs were possibly the source of the infection. They had to die.

If Bob had a deathwish he would've taken that booze.

You lie. There was never any subtlety on the show.

Yeah, I think the girl is going to kill somebody with that knife. It's the only possible reason why they're making such a huge deal out of the whole "teaching kids to fight walkers" secrecy stuff. Even though it should be a given that the kids should learn to protect themselves.

That woman was Carol, and she didn't want to be the zombie's friend, she was trying to kill herself.

Clearly someone killed them in their cells, dragged them outside and burned them. There's no other possible explanation for the blood trails.

There's always new zombies waiting to be made.

Possibly, but it seems odd that she would even be able to catch the rats.

Burning the two infected people is not so much "villainous" as it is a paranoid over-reaction.