Ooh, that's kind of interesting. I didn't know it was Ben. I wonder if it will cause Allen to turn against the Governor? Maybe Allen will team up with Tyrese now.
Ooh, that's kind of interesting. I didn't know it was Ben. I wonder if it will cause Allen to turn against the Governor? Maybe Allen will team up with Tyrese now.
A Graduate type ending where Ian rushes in to stop the wedding? I could go for that.
No, the Governor shot and killed Merle and he turned into a zombie.
I don't think it was random at all. I think Merle totally held up a mirror to his face and shamed him into seeing what a shit he was being.
They were talking about The Walking Dead on the Talking Dead, which is a show that exclusively involves talking about The Walking Dead?! Those bastards! You should definitely hate Chris Hardwick for no reason!
@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus Dawn of the Dead is a different mythology and property altogether. There's no precedence here. And Bub and Zombies with guns and all that was fucking horrible, in my opinion. I would absolutely quit watching if the Walkers evolved like that. The scientist in season one…
@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus In 28 Days Later, they weren't zombies. They were human beings infected with a virus. You didn't have to shoot them in the brain to kill them, they died in all the ways humans died, including starving to death. These Walkers will never die unless each and every one of…
That's what I took from it, too. Which is fucking horrible and goes against three seasons of what we know zombies to be.
I'm curious. Why is being gay immoral? Or monogamous? Isn't procreating far more irresponsible in this world?
You're absolutely fucking with us, right? Two characters wanting to get married is offensive to you? Because…they're straight? I don't…how is this real?
Buh? What? This a a parody of crazy far left people, right? Also, homosexuality isn't "modern". It's as old as heterosexuality.
It was completely nutso how happy I was for Kevin and V that Mama was pregnant. I had no idea I cared so much about their silly storyline. Kevin and V are just the greatest. I wonder how Mama is going to fuck it up for them?
I don't think she "kept returning" because of any reason other than she knew people were in there. They made a very big deal about Milton trying to "train" that old man to remember his human life after being zombified and it didn't work at all.
It's literally all he does. He might be a bot.
Are you saying Reefer Madness lied to me?!
I didn't really love that Rooker played Zombie Merle as if he still had some form of consciousness. He even seemed to recognize Daryl.
Yeah, he seemed so proud. I could just see him volunteering to go throughout the hospital, bringing people out of their comas.
Also, he probably thought that would be the only way Rick and the rest of the group would ever accept him.
In fairness, he was barely characterized.
I believe they called that out this episode and justified it. "Bad parenting". That said, you're not rooting for Ian and Mickey just a little bit? And even Lip and Mandy? I think the show has done a good job showing us the chemistry and affection between the two couples, doomed as they may ultimately be. Mandy in…