
So, I abandoned Dexter a couple episodes in last season after completely hating S5. I came back this year after learning that Deb "found out". So far, I like it. It's the Dexter I remember. He's always got a million balls in the air and a million potential threats to his life and freedom. It's fun. My question though,

So, I abandoned Dexter a couple episodes in last season after completely hating S5. I came back this year after learning that Deb "found out". So far, I like it. It's the Dexter I remember. He's always got a million balls in the air and a million potential threats to his life and freedom. It's fun. My question though,

Yeah, I was adopted at a few months old. I have an older sister. We are not blood relatives. I will never, ever fuck her. I find the implication that they're not "real" siblings pretty offensive.

Yeah, I was adopted at a few months old. I have an older sister. We are not blood relatives. I will never, ever fuck her. I find the implication that they're not "real" siblings pretty offensive.

Both political skits slammed Obama mercilessly.

Both political skits slammed Obama mercilessly.

They all can't be as good as Tyler Perry's "House of Pain";

They all can't be as good as Tyler Perry's "House of Pain";

Well, I don't know about that. How much TARDIS time took place in between Donna's memory wipe and the return of The Master? Or even earlier, after Rose went to the parallel universe and before the Doctor hooked up with Martha? Could've been dozens are even hundreds of years.

Well, I don't know about that. How much TARDIS time took place in between Donna's memory wipe and the return of The Master? Or even earlier, after Rose went to the parallel universe and before the Doctor hooked up with Martha? Could've been dozens are even hundreds of years.

"Priests tend to be overly pro-trans these days".

"Priests tend to be overly pro-trans these days".

He didn't compare transgendered people to horses. And the line wasn't meant to be some heavy-handed lesson about trans people. Not every line "helps the story". Someone like you would've complained 30 years ago that the preacher was black, and wondered how that helped the story. Your offense to nothing makes it

He didn't compare transgendered people to horses. And the line wasn't meant to be some heavy-handed lesson about trans people. Not every line "helps the story". Someone like you would've complained 30 years ago that the preacher was black, and wondered how that helped the story. Your offense to nothing makes it

I can't remember the Doctor ever killing anyone. That's pretty much always been his shtick from the beginning, at least in this new series. I've never seen the old stuff. Failing to save the old geezer last week is not killing.

I can't remember the Doctor ever killing anyone. That's pretty much always been his shtick from the beginning, at least in this new series. I've never seen the old stuff. Failing to save the old geezer last week is not killing.

Hee. Todd's kind of losing it. I like it.

Hee. Todd's kind of losing it. I like it.

I know, right?  I couldn't believe I was first!  I'm so proud!

I know, right?  I couldn't believe I was first!  I'm so proud!