
It looks old, too. I'm wondering if that was Walt's old copy and then Gale gave him a new one at a future date?

It looks old, too. I'm wondering if that was Walt's old copy and then Gale gave him a new one at a future date?

Why would that matter?

Why would that matter?

Either that, or Hank, not wanting to destroy the entire family, tells Walt to leave town and never come back. Walt does, and then something necessitates his return…

Either that, or Hank, not wanting to destroy the entire family, tells Walt to leave town and never come back. Walt does, and then something necessitates his return…

His facial expression tells the whole story. He's figured it all out. The only trouble now is what will he do with this info. Can he get proof? And does he even want to?

His facial expression tells the whole story. He's figured it all out. The only trouble now is what will he do with this info. Can he get proof? And does he even want to?

Yes, you can smoke meth from a bong. We've seen him do it before.

Yes, you can smoke meth from a bong. We've seen him do it before.

@avclub-8e14e2548c50b79372020771b4eb6dff:disqus No one in the history of books has ever opened a book and somehow missed writing on the inside cover. It's completely absurd to even suggest it.

@avclub-8e14e2548c50b79372020771b4eb6dff:disqus No one in the history of books has ever opened a book and somehow missed writing on the inside cover. It's completely absurd to even suggest it.

It would be pretty hilarious if Hank finds out the truth through an innocent non-clue.

It would be pretty hilarious if Hank finds out the truth through an innocent non-clue.

Yeah, there's zero chance Walt talks his way out of it.

Yeah, there's zero chance Walt talks his way out of it.

Or he tells him to leave town and never come back. Leading us to the New Hampshire story.

Or he tells him to leave town and never come back. Leading us to the New Hampshire story.

You would really want the series to keep going? I think it has a natural end point, which is now.

You would really want the series to keep going? I think it has a natural end point, which is now.