Optimus Grimes

My god, that was almost impressively terrible.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I always interpreted that line as a mocking, intentionally ridiculous exaggeration of punk ideals.

This season of Sunny has been the best since Season 5. Flawless so far.

@avclub-bfd3491bc017af783d6870e1c3ff3064:disqus True but given that this show equips its white Islamic characters with some semblance of depth while its brown Islamic characters are all one-note supervillains or, in the case of tonight's episode, a spooky Other who must be feared and suspected, I'm not uncomfortable

"He takes out all of his anger on Fara for no particular reason, then gives it an intolerant tint, and I’m left wondering why the series felt the need to go there"

And I neeever noooticed his electric junk.

Hank Schrader is the Zodiac Killer.

It's incredible how little this band has changed since No Pocky For Kitty. And I mean that in the best way possible. This is great.

I woke up, I found the weirdest boner, that's all I know.

At the end of the day, Hank is a willing soldier in the nefarious drug war that destroys far more lives than Heisenberg could ever dream of. As much as it's become nearly impossible to sympathize with Walt, I'm not sure if the notion that Hank is in the right here stands up to any scrutiny. Not that it makes sense to