
I think you've gone a bit south of the border into Geordieland there.

Oh my god, Barbara. You can't just ask people why they're Lindsay Lohan.

Oh my god, Barbara. You can't just ask people why they're Lindsay Lohan.

It was a pretty good Bond film, but I thought that the direction they tried to take M's character - the redemptive arc - was seriously undermined by one moment near the end.

It was a pretty good Bond film, but I thought that the direction they tried to take M's character - the redemptive arc - was seriously undermined by one moment near the end.

Pretty much everyone I've spoken to about the book really didn't like the first section. I don't understand it - it's a very fun story, particularly the culture shock that poor stuck-up Ewing feels all the time, and it's one of only two stories which have a happy ending. My order would be:

Pretty much everyone I've spoken to about the book really didn't like the first section. I don't understand it - it's a very fun story, particularly the culture shock that poor stuck-up Ewing feels all the time, and it's one of only two stories which have a happy ending. My order would be:

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus There are at least three birds in the film - the one that crashes into the window when he's on the phone, the one that crashes in front of their apartment at night, and the one that is explicitly pointed out by Murphy going "Bird!"

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus There are at least three birds in the film - the one that crashes into the window when he's on the phone, the one that crashes in front of their apartment at night, and the one that is explicitly pointed out by Murphy going "Bird!"

Most of what I've learned from the trailers are that the family now lives in a house that doesn't just have door chimes, but also inexplicably yells "FRONT DOOR OPEN" "BACK DOOR OPEN" "SIDE DOOR OPEN" whenever someone enters. Does anyone's house actually do that?

Most of what I've learned from the trailers are that the family now lives in a house that doesn't just have door chimes, but also inexplicably yells "FRONT DOOR OPEN" "BACK DOOR OPEN" "SIDE DOOR OPEN" whenever someone enters. Does anyone's house actually do that?

Also, Homer's Phobia, which similarly managed to be hilarious mostly because of Homer's incredibly over-the-top reaction to Bart acting slightly camp. We're laughing at Homer, not with him.

Also, Homer's Phobia, which similarly managed to be hilarious mostly because of Homer's incredibly over-the-top reaction to Bart acting slightly camp. We're laughing at Homer, not with him.

In Russia, a band went to prison for several years today for insulting the political system in a vaguely blasphemous way. In America, a whiny, obsolete rock-rap band failed to sell enough tickets for their tour. Guess which group acts with dignity and eloquence, and which one whines about being persecuted by the

In Russia, a band went to prison for several years today for insulting the political system in a vaguely blasphemous way. In America, a whiny, obsolete rock-rap band failed to sell enough tickets for their tour. Guess which group acts with dignity and eloquence, and which one whines about being persecuted by the

A lot of Python acts as a kind of time capsule of 60s/70s era Britain, reminding viewers that most "modern ills" aren't that modern at all. The RPO Goes To The Toilet does that quite nicely, with the pretentious football commentator (and thick footballer), the sexed-up history show, the wonderful Battle of Trafalgar

A lot of Python acts as a kind of time capsule of 60s/70s era Britain, reminding viewers that most "modern ills" aren't that modern at all. The RPO Goes To The Toilet does that quite nicely, with the pretentious football commentator (and thick footballer), the sexed-up history show, the wonderful Battle of Trafalgar

The London Paralympics are set to be the first Paralympic games in history to completely sell out (they've sold 2.1 million tickets so far, of the 2.5 million for sale). If the British public can get so intensely behind the Paralympics, I refuse to believe Americans couldn't at least enjoy an edited highlight package.