
The London Paralympics are set to be the first Paralympic games in history to completely sell out (they've sold 2.1 million tickets so far, of the 2.5 million for sale). If the British public can get so intensely behind the Paralympics, I refuse to believe Americans couldn't at least enjoy an edited highlight package.

Same reason that when the shop keepers are explaining each other's number problems, their own number problems briefly disappear (so they say "He says every 3 times too small" not "30 times too small").

Same reason that when the shop keepers are explaining each other's number problems, their own number problems briefly disappear (so they say "He says every 3 times too small" not "30 times too small").

The upcoming Scottish independence referendum has a fair to bit to do with it. Right now, Scotland has a pretty strong economy based on its huge off-shore oil and gas supplies. The trouble is that they're running out and besides, the Scottish National Party want to make Scotland greener. This means that, to stay

The upcoming Scottish independence referendum has a fair to bit to do with it. Right now, Scotland has a pretty strong economy based on its huge off-shore oil and gas supplies. The trouble is that they're running out and besides, the Scottish National Party want to make Scotland greener. This means that, to stay



Yeah, I can kind of see why it's there - the moment you introduce a blind psychic, the obvious twist is "He's not blind". I just wish they'd found a way to misdirect people that made sense with rest of the film.

Yeah, I can kind of see why it's there - the moment you introduce a blind psychic, the obvious twist is "He's not blind". I just wish they'd found a way to misdirect people that made sense with rest of the film.

(Oh, one more thing. Murphy's powers before the big reveal mostly manifested themselves in the form of him accidentally causing birds to fly into windows around him for… some reason. This means that after it's revealed, there's a montage of all the times he used his powers for anyone too slow to put it all together,

(Oh, one more thing. Murphy's powers before the big reveal mostly manifested themselves in the form of him accidentally causing birds to fly into windows around him for… some reason. This means that after it's revealed, there's a montage of all the times he used his powers for anyone too slow to put it all together,

That's actually one of the few things I liked about this film (that, the perfect casting and a wonderful parody of science films about halfway through). Unlike a lot of films about the supernatural, its point isn't to mock unbelievers. Murphy and Weaver are without a doubt the two most dignified characters in the film

That's actually one of the few things I liked about this film (that, the perfect casting and a wonderful parody of science films about halfway through). Unlike a lot of films about the supernatural, its point isn't to mock unbelievers. Murphy and Weaver are without a doubt the two most dignified characters in the film

Ok, so SPOILER WARNING at the climax of the film, Cillian Murphy's scientist confronts Robert De Niro's character and DOUBLE SPOILER reveals that he's faking it because he's not really blind (which really doesn't make much sense for two reasons. Firstly, we see him acting blind in scenes where he's completely alone,

Ok, so SPOILER WARNING at the climax of the film, Cillian Murphy's scientist confronts Robert De Niro's character and DOUBLE SPOILER reveals that he's faking it because he's not really blind (which really doesn't make much sense for two reasons. Firstly, we see him acting blind in scenes where he's completely alone,

The original book is great, the 1981 BBC series is good but ludicrously 80s British. The more recent series was not as good, but it had Eddie Izzard as a bad guy, if that's what you're into.

Set-up is similar (well, basically the same, if a bit more futuristic and American), but the actual plot and underlying message are totally different. Battle Royale is "look how fucked up kids can get", and focuses on the relationships between the children. Hunger Games is "look how fucked up society can get" - it

On the plus side, the dog's scream at the end was actually a pretty good representation of my reaction to the news.

The film starts with a long scene set in a fair pay/anti-cuts protest, where all the protestors are inexplicably holding neatly printed signs written in English that the camera lingers on. I think that counts as a "this economy" reference.