One of my favorite stories, that of Riggins and Landry. Watching Landry alternate between tenaciousness and frustration is great fun. A character-building exercise on both sides.
One of my favorite stories, that of Riggins and Landry. Watching Landry alternate between tenaciousness and frustration is great fun. A character-building exercise on both sides.
I love how proud Coach is whenever Julie shows the least affinity for football.
OK, thanks! Have a good week.
Oh, okay. I'll look for the review next week. Was worried they had dumped FNL Classic due to low volume of comments. I am working more hours now, so must pick and choose. FNL is a priority for me, though I come in pretty late. It's such a good show.
Looked for a review on 5/16, but nothing there. Did they skip this week? I watched the eps and made notes—ready to post, but no review. Is it quits for SNL Classic?
They could have found a handsome Frenchman, or at least a guy with a decent French accent, to play the new villain. Someone to match Margaux. and raise the eyebrow of Nolan. As it is, I feel absolutely cheated. Olivier Martinez was painfully bad and now they introduce the character of his son, also played by a crappy…
Well, y'know there are hardly any out-of-work actors in Hollywood for these parts.
Yes, and they are amazing to watch as they take all of these young people under their generous wings.
Right. So how do you think they filmed that? Was Kitsch actually in the truck with all that flying glass?
Lol chips.
"I think as successful as the show is in demonstrating to us Smash’s personal struggle, it’s less successful at making him beloved…" As Waverly would say, it's a little hard to care about someone who refers to himself as The Smash and is the center of his own universe. The guy is utterly incapable of camaraderie.…
The persecution of the lovers is painful to watch. As Mrs Coach says, "positively medieval." That truck-smashing scene was beautifully choreographed, though. There's a thing Kitsch does when he sees trouble coming. He seems to be looking inside himself. And we watch them advance from the shadows, we see them gather,…
Yeah, they lost some momentum there.
—Dang, wheelchair basketball is rough stuff!
Mrs Coach killed it in that scene, whisking her precious girl off to change clothes, arguing and clucking all the while. Coach seems about to explode. They're so cute..
I hate it when they do that. I hate it even more when actors win awards for it. Did you see Into the Wild? Great movie, but those starvation scenes were brutal.
Despite low release, the film was pretty good and Kitsch was an excellent choice for the semi-biographical role of daredevil photojournalist Kevin Carter. His South African accent was a kick. The role of Carter as written is an intensity freak, somewhat self-destructive, ultimately tragic. It was as though the…
The Voodoo-Reyes-Castor storyline is ugly and disturbing. The smile that crosses Reyes' face during the confrontation between him and Landry chilled me to the bone. Unrepentant. I admit it pleased me when Landry went after him.
Sonia: "…most of us…at The A.V. Club were far more like Landry than we were like Tim Riggins…Nobody really is Tim Riggins, because Tim Riggins is more legend than man. But we are all Landry." I identify strongly with both characters. I knew guys very much like Tim and he doesn't seem like a "legend" except maybe in…
Agreed. He really had the Riggins character down. Recommended: "The Bang Bang Club."