We have one of those at my house. Hmmm. Note to self.
He actually looks like he's wearing either double eyelashes or double eyeliner, thus the "carbon" play on the actor's name. I have thought he was a beautiful creature since the first time I saw him on film. His dramatic eyes remind me of silent film idols, and were even more stunning when he was a younger man.…
Yeah, I should edit my comments about death-by-falling-down-stairs to include a number of caveats, such as "depends on the length and slant of the staircase" and "depends on how hard the person was pushed" and…feel free to add more…
Technically, flying by the seats of their asses is kind of redundant, yes?
The above conversation had to happen. Lol.
That flashback to Norma and little Norman in the closet with violent father just outside, and Norma saying, "It's just a game!" was horrific. They're building a pretty strong case for patricide.
Do you actually think that Norman may not have killed his father?
Wow. The commentary on this show has become sparse. C'mon all you fans and snarks, Revenge is still happening!
Liked for "logic". Lol.
Agree that it doesn't fit into the teen drama category. True, there are teens in it, and The Dylan, but I don't see enough romance to feed teen appetites. Or am I just out of touch? When I watch almost any CW show, I can see what teens like about it. Bates Motel seems geared to adult audiences, and specifically to…
Norma throws herself full body at Norman and knocks him onto the bed. Rolls off slowly. They chase off like puppies.
I like very much Carboneyeliner. What's not to love about a murderous sheriff warning Norma about her inadequate curtains? Their mutual irritation is classic Hollywood foreplay.
Todd: "I loved Norma running all the way down to Cody’s car when it showed up at the motel to have a little chat with her about her son." …and stopping the car with her body.
I loved Emma's little blue dress and sweater with matching blue one-piece underneath. And Norman's blue checked boxers—obvious color-and-costume-coordination of Emma and Norman, showing who will take up for whom.
Cody is self-destructive to the point of nihilism, especially after a bout with her abusive father, and therefore a corrupting force, not to be trusted with "nice" kids like Norman and Emma. We have to remember, though, that ANY outside influence is a threat to the fragile world of Norman and Norma. Emma herself was…