
…and John Doe. I would miss John Doe.

Thank you so much, Zack and Todd, for holding this discussion. Means a lot to us.


Zack: "…and the attempt to frame (Mulder) for Knowle’s murder isn't the most compelling of plot threads…" Agreed. I actually groaned when Mulder was, once again, imprisoned and facing trial—Mulder the Saint, Mulder the Martyr. So tired.

Kind of like a unicorn stampede?

Todd: "…feels all too excited to get rid of Doggett and Reyes (who get shit-all to do here)…" That made me kind of sad. Thanks for filling in, guys. The stars are back now.
::big elbow::

Not enough Indians to go around. Don't get me started.

Or we just hear him whining and scratching at the bedroom door, interrupting their intimacy, Mulder gets up reluctantly to find…no dog there!

YES!! Or they could have just showed his face at the window. That would've been cool. Such a striking visage!

I love X, but they should have given him a better role in this—like he should have just appeared and moved his lips, but no one—including Mulder—can figure out what he is trying to say. Or the note should have been written in blood.

…dead dog flatulence.

Zack: "That’s the problem with trying to give answers, especially in such a pedantic, repetitive way: We need the mystery, and the shadows, to bring this stuff to life."

Yes, incredibly daring and cutting-edge in its day. And most of it holds up in review.

Zack: "Then Skinner and Scully show up, and the ghost of Krycek comes back, and things start to go downhill."

"I like how the Shadow Conspiracy has so many spare corpses laying around
they can pull one out of storage just in case a body is needed for a
murder trial."

Growing up in the Southwest doesn't make me an expert, but the NA stuff was always kind of hokey…and the later scenes of CSM in the sacred cave were…well. CSM did have such a way of finding remote and unlikely places to hide away.

it was sweet when Zeke said the upstairs room had good light—for Camille's studio!


Doggonit, why do they even bring these guys back? It's so messy. Cute Mark was gone—we could live with that. But no, they have to bring him back and pick that scab off.

Yes! Plus, in showing it to Camille, they showed it to the viewers, so we are now interested. I don't think they would have shown us such a cherry place if they didn't want us to get just a little bit…invested. They would have shown us a so-so place, so we could think…meh, they should keep the old homestead.