
"Jackie was, traditionally, pretty vicious cut-throat." Yeah, she's definitely back in form. Oooooh, the look she had, breathing over that poor old guy in his bed, ready to bite the jugular.

Lyman's on the roster for entertainment value, mostly. Having said that, I would add that there really ARE ridiculously out-of-touch old boys like Lyman hanging around in partnerships, creating potential liability. And there really are partnerships who can't or won't kick them out the door. He's not that far-fetched,

In any case, if it means more airtime for Judge Kluger the Magnificent, I'm on board. TGW gives us zany judges—love them all, but Kluger is a favorite!

…ending one of CSM's nine lives.

Yeah, well, Season 9…

Dangit, of course! I guess it would be hard to place the other abductees in order of favorites. Billy Miles has a special place in my heart. Also Max Fenig.

There shouldn't have been a Season 9. It was ridiculous.

Just read You Okay, Mulder? Lol. When these were originally aired, there was a virtual army of shippers losing their minds over the ambiguity. When he comes back from the dead, Mulder comments on the pregnancy like a casual acquaintance. I wanted to put him back in the box until he came out with better lines.

Mary: "Thanks, Bash, for saving my life by killing that guy in the woods. That must have been very trying for you. Here's a kiss—no, not that. Well, please take this slightly used necklace as a token of my gratitude. Oh, sorry it burned your hand! Well, I'm off to find a cuddle buddy. Thanks and tah."

Let us not be confused. 'Tis a double standard, plain and simple.

AVC/Disqus: Can we get rid of these piggyback ads? One just turned up here disguised as a comment, under the avatar "Allyson."

Yeah, they did a great job on Deadalive with make-up, mask, and I suppose the award includes the peeling-flesh-in-the-shower scene, which made me gag.

For a moment, that last meeting between Doggett and Knowle almost has the paranoid/reluctant informant tone of a Deep Throat meeting, and I can't help but wish Doggett had a DT or X to guide him—but we already know that ain't Knowle.

Absalom to Doggett: "You ask for my help, but you refuse to believe in me." Always a catch with these messianic types.

No one mentioned Krycek—Who is he working for now? Krycek's like a Tarot card that turns up to portend bad news—well, he's a little more proactive than that. That craziness in the parking garage—classic Krycek—a perfect way for Doggett and Krycek to make their acquaintance. Then Doggett returns to the hospital and

I somehow knew you would know the answer to this question. You're the best, BtMcPd!

Even though I knew it was coming, Snow's score creeped me out when they showed the SS bumps on Knowle's neck. Yeesh.

Of all the relationships portrayed to date, I keep light tabs on David and Abby, and ship Jake and Olivia. Don't care if they hook up again, but enjoy their dynamic and enjoy Jake's character—plus Foley is a natural who plays it tongue in cheek and demonstrates a welcome immunity to Shondaspeak.

So…I'm counting how many of Duchovny's contracted hours for Season 8 required him to play a mute, ghostly vision; an alien test subject; a corpse; or a comatose patient. For someone accustomed to playing a wisecracking, outside-the-box kind of guy, that may have been more challenging than it looks. Does anyone know if

Doggettism: “Don’t ask me to take a load of horse crap for the gospel truth.”