
Sad about his lab tech friend, Paul.

A great side effect of watching the show—it's getting us all interested in what REALLY happened!


Keep the factoids coming, Evil Lincoln.

The thread is at 343 comments now, so someone may already have mentioned IC's little correction speech to the children: 'Regulars', not 'British'…"That would have been most unhelpful." TOO GOOD!

Everything I know about the American Revolution I learned from Sleepy Hollow.

Be that as it may, I would request the use of 'Leftenant' for all IC quotes on the innernet.

He'll ride a motorcycle before he drives a car, betcha.

Is that why? I always thought it was a budget consideration.

Disqus is allowing me to vote but not to post comments. Wha the fuh?

One finger for 'yes'; two fingers for 'no'.

I was thinking at the outset of that scene how IC had a great deal of faith in a horse he barely knows—we don't see his character riding much these days. If I were anticipating a race against Death, I would be shopping for a thoroughbred and brushing up on my horsemanship.

By Ichabod's distress over them, the Masons' deaths were given more weight. We could not have known by their actions last week (drugging and kidnapping Ichabod, bringing him before a secret council) that they were his "brothers."

None of the Mason-o-lanterns looked like James Frain.
The glowing heads were one of my favorite things this week.


He calls the Freemasons his friends and also his Mason Brothers, and seems genuinely distraught at their beheadings..

Speaking of the score, I found the music playing at the scene of the Horseman's entrapment way too melodramatic—shades of Frankenstein.

…or maybe even the Holy Dogdish.

I found it to be the opposite: A shocking development that cast the integrity of several characters and both firms in shadow—one that will surely have repercussions in episodes to come. Anthony had to have lied, but which time was he lying? The first time or the second?

"…I think the reason Alicia and Peter have lasted this long is because of those reason…" Yes, and let's not forget to mention that she has the ability to swallow buckets of bile.