
Me, too. TV's dumb. EDIT predictable. Yawn.

I need to hear her name.

TVDW: "My foremost problem with this storyline has always been that Ed and Pete
were introduced seemingly specifically to cause problems for this marriage."

Onstage, during a debate.

You can stay.
There were several of us who had the same take on that scene.

Now it's just weird. When they do finally mention her, there will be this awkward silence, blank stares, clearing of throats.

KH: "Ah, so that awesome location where Siegel got murdered was in Bushwick."
Thanks for sussing that out. Really cool place.

Good! The fact that complete strangers could basically kidnap her and hide her in a "safe place" made her seem overly maleable, as well.

Also, when Ivanek says he wants to "pick your brain", you have to wonder whether he is talking about a lobotomy.

"David Lyons a surprising source of comedic relief this week…"

I kind of liked it when the town was occupied and marshal state was
declared (sealed gates, curfew, guards.) Also, there was Ivanek, menacing
people. My brain turned off and I enjoyed a simple episode of Combat, where the good guys and enemy were clearly defined. I generally like things a bit more complex than that,

"There were some nice shots of just people's expressions."
I thought they lingered a bit too long on close-ups, forcing actors—especially Collins—to chew the scenery. We get it, you're conflicted.

Agreed. Pardo sells the part having little to work with.

"Who can we get to make our corny evil-guy script believable?"
"How about Ivanek? He can ooze the lines to perfection."

“…just another rat in the lab.”
"Is this sewer line still open?"

Comment, Part 2
I don't think Fusco's going to Canada, either, though I like your idea. It's somebody else, I tell you.

Thinking it was the real ball, I just about lost my mind when Hayden was tossing it up in the air. "Put it away!" I said to my TV. Later we learned it was a fake.

Sensible. Doh!

What gave her away? And don't say 'red hair'.

I do forget that. It doesn't feel like CBS.