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    This is not the best Newswire ever written, but "make it look like he's in one of those movies where a single mom learns the true meaning of Christmas" belongs in the conversation for best single Newswire joke ever

    Come on Sean, how hard would it be to work in:
    Guy at post office: "okay, what's your first name Mr. Burns?" 
    Homer: "I don't know"

    You stole my soul!

    No, no, no, Up All Night was an exhibition. It doesn't count toward Lorne's regular season record.

    This album was written and recorded immediately after Tegan and Sara went to see Drive with their friend Julian Casablancas, with whom they then discussed their love of imitating 80s pop music.

    "I'm quietly judging you"

    "I'm quietly judging you"

    Meh, I think season 10 as a whole was the beginning of the end. It really did have some gems, but it was hitting at about 60%. Season 6 will forever be the peak for me and season 7 is just as good as any other. 8 was excellent as well and 9 was solid, but they were part of a downward trend. Season 10 was when you

    Meh, I think season 10 as a whole was the beginning of the end. It really did have some gems, but it was hitting at about 60%. Season 6 will forever be the peak for me and season 7 is just as good as any other. 8 was excellent as well and 9 was solid, but they were part of a downward trend. Season 10 was when you

    Homer at the Bat doesn't even get an honorable mention? You can't talk Simpsons without talking cameos and that is the ultimate self-aware cameo episode.

    Homer at the Bat doesn't even get an honorable mention? You can't talk Simpsons without talking cameos and that is the ultimate self-aware cameo episode.

    Just to be clear I totally don't believe in souls either, don't want to be taken for some sappy, pseudo-spiritual type, I just meant to say that's what I thought the philosophy of the film was pushing. Agree or disagree with the film, I just thought those moments were particularly moving.

    Just to be clear I totally don't believe in souls either, don't want to be taken for some sappy, pseudo-spiritual type, I just meant to say that's what I thought the philosophy of the film was pushing. Agree or disagree with the film, I just thought those moments were particularly moving.

    I'll steer clear of a full-fledged interpretation and stick to the two most moving parts for me. The clear number one is the storm that occurs when it's just Pi and Richard Parker. Pi looks at the storm as a representation of God's power, but once he realizes how terrified Richard Parker is, he gets angry. The

    I'll steer clear of a full-fledged interpretation and stick to the two most moving parts for me. The clear number one is the storm that occurs when it's just Pi and Richard Parker. Pi looks at the storm as a representation of God's power, but once he realizes how terrified Richard Parker is, he gets angry. The

    "We're not the American People's Front, we're the people's front of America!"

    "We're not the American People's Front, we're the people's front of America!"

    So I have to disagree with part of your analysis here. I think you're giving way too much attention to Phoenix's military career or any trauma he suffered there. I think having him be a veteran is a useful tool to show how he's been further alienated from society, but I also think it's clear that PTA intends Freddie

    So I have to disagree with part of your analysis here. I think you're giving way too much attention to Phoenix's military career or any trauma he suffered there. I think having him be a veteran is a useful tool to show how he's been further alienated from society, but I also think it's clear that PTA intends Freddie