The 12th Doctor

Easily one of the worst pilot I've seen in a while. I'm honestly not trying to be annoying or provocative. It was just that bad.Characters are underwritten to the point of being insulting, their is NO logic to the characters actions or emotions, and it features Jamie Kennedy, professional bag of humorless farts. Stay

Not going to lie, I lost a parent when I was young and this episode made me cry. This is going to be a rough season.

I love this album. I genuinely can't understand the vitriol in this review. I yell BOO at you sir!

Am I the only one who likes this show?

Am I the only one who likes this show?



Jesus, are we really that upset over a naked woman?  It's the 21st god-damned century. Throw in a bit of sexuality and suddenly everyone is hypercritical.

Is it just me or did that red haired chick hyper extend her elbow to give a high five? 

Anyone notice after Sally sat down in the last scene, and the waiter said "Are you done with this?". This being a shirley temple. Am I the only one to see a childhood/shirley temple connection here? That waiter line I think was a cynical, darkly funny commentary on how childhood is so abrupt ripped from young people,


I don't ask this as a troll, but out of general interest. How could anyone enjoy the Tree of Life? It is beautifully shot to be sure, with stunning visuals and booming musical cues. But it lacks any narrative, any sense of pacing, and slogs on at a mind numbing pace. I don't consider myself to be an impatient person,

Dear god, is that death lurking in the doorway? If so, why is she so sad?

So many space-abortions.

Don't you ever, in your life, compare the Enterprise theme to Firefly's. Firefly's theme was organic, original, and a damned work of art. The Enterprise theme sounds like a Hallmark commercial.

Take Five…
I got this thread covered.

Can Fsck become a thing now? Because I think it needs to be a thing.

Why does Cartoon Network want to slowly exhume my childhood and rape it in front of my eyes?

Thanks for the totally legitimate responses. My retort, in list form…

Call for sanity!
I enjoyed a great deal about this episode, but it started a trend which I found very distasteful. I understand that the Doctors personality, morality, and tastes change from variation to variation. One unwritten rule of Doctor Who as I understood it has been that the Doctor is not violent. He avoids