Siam Shah Khan

Jerking off and eating ice cream ?

Still better than my life, all i do is cry and jerk off.

My parents have done pilgrimage and i think they did mention seeing a lot of white people.

To me The Last Of Us felt a bit hollow, i didn't really feel anything for the characters, it just didn't click for me. Plus the gameplay was repetitive and boring, i know the game was built like that to immerse you in the game and to give the player a sense of urgency but it just wasn't fun and ultimately for me

What the hell! I just realized all my favourite writers who have been missing from the avclub for over a year are working at the dissolve!

You just made my day.

Look its fine when good insightful comments are posted but rubbish like this is just annoying.

Fuck you and stay the fuck out of here daily mail trash!

Played Bioshock infinite on friday, finished it by saturday. The ending blew me away! Usually videogames don't affect me emotionally as movies and tv shows do but Ken Levine really knew how to tug at my heart strings. Its probably the best game i have played since the original Bioshock. 
Sunday night I finally watched

I missed him a lot…

I also love you O'Neal!

Yay I'm really excited about these reviews, Freaks and Geeks is one of my most beloved shows!

Where the hell is the mad men review Todd!!

Linda Cardellini voices a character named Megan. Mad Men has a character named Megan. Linda Cardellini recently guest starred on Mad Men. I'm seeing a connection of some sort…

I'm going to torrent the whole season!

Todd's reviews rock! Seriously though this is the first place i visit after watching Mad Men.

I really enjoyed this episode.

Where the fuck is the mad men review Todd!

dude chill out! You probably visit this site way too much

dude chill out! You probably visit this site way too much