Actually, it appears she's 35.
Actually, it appears she's 35.
Somehow I can never get it through my head that he's married to Genie Francis, even though they've been married forever. I think the concept of Will Riker being married to Laura from General Hospital breaks my brain in a fundamental way.
Basically what is said above. The Bajorans brought the Feds in for their expertise and, it's strongly implied, to act as insurance against the return of the Cardassians. Starfleet is in command, but only at the sufferance of the Bajorans and with a substantial Bajoran contingent. Odo is a member of the Bajoran…
@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Hand cranked by a gang of prisoners.
Personally I don't see it happening for the simple reason that it would basically consume at least the first series, and probably the actresses entire era. I'd be fascinated to watch it, but it would be a braver move then the BBC is likely to make with their flagship property. Add to that the fact that no matter how…
Hey now, I knew literally….um…one or two newspaper headline writers who were excited by Ireland's success in the 2007 World Cup. And then they promptly dropped interest in cricket like a hot potato.
Ah, but you fail to mention that the decline of the Windies is all Doctor Who's fault. That or a lack of investment in West Indies cricket. One or the other.
It's been a very long time since I've seen Caretaker, so I'm due for a rewatch. I remember watching it when it first aired with my cousin and neither of us being particularly impressed.
That is one messed up double feature. Although if you were going to do it, Totoro should be shown second. It might be the only way to recover from Grave of the Fireflies.
what, you mean you never pronounce 'bh' as 'v'? It makes so much sense!
I was disappointed in the lack of Allison, although the idea of them going to a couples retreat to work put their 'hit by a golf club amd tied to a chair' issues is sort of hilarious. I would totally watch a spinoff of Allison freaking out about silly suburban things.
I was going to point out that I quite liked the two new tracks that were on the Reunion live album….until I remembered just how long ago that came out. Now I'm depressed.
*Looks up from the Guardian* 'What was that? Sorry, I was distracted. Let me just throw this tissue way and we can get to campaigning.'
Personally I thought it was meant to be PB. Her age always seemed more developmental then chronological if that makes any sense. I know there was mention of an uncle, but that doesn't rule it out. She created all of the residents of the candy kingdom, right? So it would make more sense for her to be a bit older…
I also liked that Simon was basically grossed out by the future object of his obsessions. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be Princess Bubblegum forming or an ancestor, but it's still funny.
I know speaking personally, they couldn't have chosen a more effective theme song. That song means a lot to me for any number of reasons.
I'm not sure if it's worth watching the whole show, but seeing the first part of that sketch is worth it for Nasim in that dress, hands down.
No, there are a few dry towns, but most of them only have like 40 residents anyway. And I think they all have Sunday liquor sales now too.
@Mighty_Ponygirl:disqus That was shocking, but not as shocking as when Kasidy showed for revenge shooting magic lighting bolts from her hands.