Year of the Whopper

"Dour" isn't the word I would use at all. If anything they're the cheeriest, happiest, and certainly most self-confident people I've ever met. But I've never seen a trace of irony, etc.

I defer to your superior knowledge, I can only speak of those who drift to a very certain part of LA, usually to work in film.

I'd pass on the TV Set… it's nothing you haven't seen before, and it's not very funny… It's like that Matt LeBlanc show with the brits that was just on Showtime, just obvious stuff about how people in the industry sucks without any real insight or bite. And at the end it's hard to feel sorry for a guy who has a TV

Australian comedy
There's Summer Heights High, and maybe the original version of this show, which I have yet to see… But other than that has Australia ever produced anything genuinely funny? Yahoo Serious jokes aside?

"It isn't out of respect to the deceased, but the people mourning the deceased."

BB is all about misdirection, and I think the prime misdirection is making us think Walt is this bumbling loser science teacher who happens upon a life of crime. But that's not what this show is about, I think. We're watching a supervillian in the making. There are tremendous consequences as Walt descends further into

I'd think if you were able-bodied, reasonably intelligent, capable of learning new tasks and able to get along with others in a stressful situation, you'd do okay regardless of your former profession. There's probably plenty of doctors and cops who wouldn't last a minute, and plenty of bankers who'd find a way to

That's pretty easy to explain. As a history professor, HE knows that, but the show's writer's don't.

I prefer the early 90s, when to buy tickets you got to spend the night in a parking lot outside a shitty record store/head shop with a bunch of dudes from Heavy Metal Parking Lot.

I'm fully willing to believe exposure to germs and microbes is good for your immune system, and that overuse of antibacterial soap/drowning in Purell isn't good for you in the long term (or our community water systems, for that matter.)

The government gives most of them to minorities before they even go on sale. Welcome to Obamas America.

Not unless if someone you eat it.

"Time to fertilize the lawn.. A couple of 500 pound bags oughta do it"

C'mon you can do better than that, at least use the Too Close for Comfort where two fat women raped Monroe as your go-to reference.

Disney does own three massive cruise ships with two more on the way. Give them time.

If you haven't watched Season 6 all the way through again, watch the entire series all the way through again.

Music ain't dying. If anything people are much more into music now than ever. Before the average person (not the die-hard collector) might own 20 vinyl LPs, or have a case full of cassettes for the car, and spending $8 to take a chance on an unknown band or album was a big deal.

Please. Most music from any era is pretty much crap and make for 13 year old girls. If anything music is better now, because marginal-yet-talented artists have tons of ways to distribute their music. 40 years ago the options for bands that couldn't get on the radio and in major chain music stores were limited-to-none.


It seems to be the contestants of these "spill your guts" shows are often tired looking, hen-pecked husbands with sassy and domineering wives. I'd imagine the wives would goad the mean into going on because "the show would be fun", and "you don't have anything to hide, do you honey?"