Sam Anderson

I believe the idea of #3 is that you can't change anything. If that model of time travel is correct, there is only ever a single self-consistent history, which always included time travel. There was never a version of history where you didn't go back and get hit by that bus.

The terminology gets muddled and varies depending on what source you use. Generally speaking, though, "sociopath" and "psychopath" are synonymous.

Just to chime in on the 'ethical subroutines' argument - something to keep in mind is that two of the basic, defining traits of a sociopath (at least in Hare's formulation of the idea) are that they feel no empathy, and that they are almost incapable of feeling any emotion at all. You can look at the parts of the

Pretty sure River's not eyepatch lady. We know what happens to River in her future, and it involves dying in a library back in season 4.

I really think that in Moffat's mind, that plot is resolved. They found the baby - she was living in England with Rory and Amy. They even got to watch her grow up, they just didn't realize it at the time. But they spent their whole lives growing up with their daughter as their best friend, and I suspect we're meant to

It also reminded me of another (very good) DS9 episode - Children of Time, in which the crew gets involved in a timeloop paradox where they meet their own descendants on a world where a time anomaly will force their ship to crash. It's much the same dillemma - we can escape now, but if we do none of these people will

Bottle episodes don't usually take place on a new set but their defining feature is just that they take place in a single location to save money, which definitely describes "Midnight." It's a very good bottle episode, though.

One thing that impressed me…
The actor they got for the Mountain is HUGE. It's not so obvious when he's fighting the Hound, until you realize that the actor who plays the Hound is actually freakishly larger already. He's the one who played the mentally retarded giant stockboy in HOT FUZZ ("Derp!") and he looks little

So I know nobody reads comments this far into the past…
I had to mention this though. I am watching through Millennium for the first time, and I was shocked to see that something that seems completely obvious to me is not mentioned here. Either it was hidden more cleverly than I thought, or I am nuts.