
If the TV gods were smiling we would have seen Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones) as a young Mick Jagger. Dude was born to play the part. Unfortunately for us all, Alfie is an AMC playa and Mad Men a HBO joint…. oh well…. another day….

Boardwalk is an island in a television and movie landscape filled with stories of daddy issues. It seems like fathers are the easy target in modern media. It's nice to a show do something a little different.

My initial reaction to this episode is that it's one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. I loved the way Noel has described it as an "origins" episode. We all knew that Jimmy was running from something when he went off to war and I think for a HBO show, the actual "deed" was reasonably restrained. I

As sympathetic as it may be, it doesn't make the action any less cruel. It's understandable, but not right.

I don't get all the hate regarding Angela's murder. So she was a lesbian / bisexual… Does that mean she's off limits as far as the writer's go? She was killed because of her relationship to Jimmy, not because of her sexual preference.

"Irish Furio". Lol. That's gold. So apt. I've been thinking that this show is starting to hit it's stride much in the same way the Sopranos did.