
Ew, I was actually crossing my fingers and whispering "don't wake up" over and over again during Henry's fake-out.  But every time I think this show is going to take a turn for the better it finds a way to make it worse, David Nolan-ing itself.  I like how the mad hatter doesn't have the balls to shiv Regina but is

For real it's like he's an alien who actually read the hipster handbook.  Case in point:
1) wears purple bandanna
2) drives vintage motorcycle
3) distressed leather jacket
4) declares he's not into labels, man
5) eschews all modern-day technology to the point of schlepping around an antique typewriter everywhere he goes

I love her reviews (these too, of course)

I was thinking it was Dylan Moran.


Well if we're going by the assumption that she is the miller's daughter, I'm guessing it has something to do with her making a deal with Rumplewhatever and giving away her kid to him/she's barren.  Something like that.

Oh man I know exactly what you mean.  The other night my sister and I were wondering how self-contained they actually are.  Like, can they make toilet paper or does it get shipped in?   Has the delivery company noticed that everyone has looked the same for the past 30 years?  Or maybe fairy-tale characters are too

This is true because his lines are 90% "BUT IT'S REEEEAAAAL.  IT JUST IS."  I wish they'd give him the tiniest bit of depth because I'm definitely wondering why he thinks his mother is an evil fairy queen other than the fact that she's a hard-ass.

This show.  THIS SHOW.  When they cut to Jiminy having the same conversation with his folks that he had when he was 10, except now he's 40.  I can't.  And instead of having the balls to just move out already he pays Rumpelstiltskin to get rid of them (and stop it with your hollow "but they'll be ok right?" Jiminy, he

I think the show is getting better, in that we're always learning more about what's going on.  I don't have a problem with the mechanics of it all (although that's a little clunky because like, if no one aged really before Emma got there why hasn't Henry mentioned the fact he outgrows all his classmates or whatever)

yeah it kind of just felt like a regular crime procedural starring a maybe-he's-autistic genius

Won't someone join me in the Sherlock Wasn't THAT Great Society?

Yeah except they had already been limiting the rights of Jewish people for a good decade at that point?  I mean yeah, not liking communists is one thing but making your party the only legal one and sending political prisoners to sleep forever camps out in the country is something else.

I agree that the audience is sort of having the same perspective as Dean, but given that he should definitely be asking more questions. I was pretty surprised at the hunter compound thing the Campbells had set up especially, and Dean didn't say anything about it.

I'm even more grateful that next week will be Cas Comedy Hour once more
Yeah, these last couple of episodes have felt really off, and an episode centered around baby hi-jinx is exactly what it doesn't need right now. It doesn't even seem like Sam and Dean like each other very much anymore, much less trust each other.