
As a life long lutheran I could totally see a pastor doing that. The ELCA is very very liberal, now I couldn't see a LCMS or WELS pastor doing that but ELCA would probably just blink and move on.

I will go to bat for any show that allows Chris Messina to spend most of the episode in a speedo. (with bonus shirtless time!)

I was kinda hoping that Aaron's wife was being trafficed in the sex trade, that would have made for an actually interesting story line.

I completely felt like this one played like a 20th century home drama (Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, & Arsenic and Old Lace. It's not an established genre but it is a common format, The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? is a great more contemporary example) which now that I know it's based on a

I would be ok with Ryan only being on a few episodes, with the caveat that he's nude or shirtless at all times.

I assure you, as a person who has a theatre arts degree, that the artists would continue to work but would quickly be picked off as easy prey for those people looking to trade in some human meat after the blackout. If the Peloponnesian Wars taught us anything, it's that the jock kids will always beat up on the

well I assume she also has a blinking pill in her abdomen, though that may have only been danny because of the complications with the pregnancy but I'm going to go ahead and guess she's got one too (and possibly rachel)

if you have enough hair you can shave abs into your stomach.

there's a joke about the pilot episode of this theoretical show but it's 3 am and I'm out of funny for the day.

Richard should have gone home because he unilaterally decided that he was in charge, this didn't work. It was a risk he took and he should have taken the blame. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I tried to save one joke from Roxxy:

So I go to a viewing party at a bar every week, hosted by queens. Normally we watch, wait for a commercial they comment, everything moves on. This week, in the middle of Roxxxy's breakdown one of the queens demanded a pause, when everyone figured out what was going on her reaction was "you were dropped off at a bus

At the viewing party I was at when we learned the challenge we all went for a single ru read and I won with: "Oh, right, we all know why the coke fad in the 80's ended, 'cause Ru came on the scene. Not 'cause she stopped anyone from doing coke, she just did all that was to be had."


you two are just having a Michelle Visage vs. Jinkx Monsoon situation.

here are my (completely not requested or required) thoughts:

So I'm guessing I'm the only one who's really wanting Travis to have a 'questioning his sexuality' (confident his sexualitaaaaay) story line?

That dress looked like the poor model's ovaries had exploded.

A couple thoughts. First, native american lady should have been auf'd (I can't remember her name, as it is far too early in the season for me to remember people's name) 'cause her dress looked like someone sneezed flowers onto the shoulders of a defenseless model. It also looked like a bad Titania costume from an

and the next moment Ru and Phi Phi correct him. Kai Kai is drag queens having sex, kiki is gossip and hanging out.