
Yeah it was 'in for a bit of a rape' which makes it even more amazing somehow.

Yeah it was 'in for a bit of a rape' which makes it even more amazing somehow.

Seems like a religious thing. He asked her to free them from the burning cake so now he has to pay the debt to the red god or something.

Judge me all you want, but I am a grown woman who actually enjoyed reading The Host. The only really dumb, beat-you-over-the-head thing in it was the human lady's surname being Strider and the alien lady being called Wanderer, cos, y'know, the human lady was all tough and purposeful in her mannerisms and the alien

Nope, the majority of the aliens were actually 'male', the main character alien lady was actually quite rare in being female because there weren't many females in her species, because their species reproduced like ants or something with queens making the babies, but making babies in this alien species means you die,

Uhh apologies, I put BSG spoiler warnings around the above post but it seems they got stripped out. That's what I get for using fake HTML markup. So um, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA SPOILERS ABOVE! >.>

I have cheered out loud at my TV twice in my life. The first time was for Rupert "I'd like to test that theory" Giles, the second was when Adama found out that Tyrol and Helo had been sentenced to death for accidentally killing Mr Rapist, and he abandoned his previous stance of 'I must obey Admiral Bitchface' and