
havent read any comments
but im coked up and awake with no sleep. PKD can be frustrating especially if you pick up one of his genre earlier novels but even then there is always something to keep you hooked, his writing always seemed to offer more than you expected of it. personally my favorites are man in the high

Laughed so hard…
When Larry was going down on Denise. Maybe it's just me but I totally flashed back to the George eating during sex episode and also the one where he steals jerrys move (which Jerry stole from putty). Good stuff! Also Leon, fucking hilarious!

I thought Dexter would get bad cop guy ( forget his name) to scare the kid, that way dude would feel he paid off his 'debt' to Dexter… whatever, I guess creeping around the neighborhood in a ski mask made more sense. But how dumb is that, the dad was the vandal? Really? And then Rita catching him breaking the light…