TJ Truffleberry

As God is my witness, I thought Dikachu could fly.

You see, the government is terrible and can't do anything right which is why Republicans have to work to destroy the institutions which work so they can prove they don't. Simple.

So we'll get to see the list when we're on Kinja?

They say you are what you eat, but I'm no spring chicken.

Dude, be thankful. Those things are terrifying. And the cleanup on them is a nightmare.

Not to mention your hairline.

Sounds like a case of blatant Xena-phobia.

That Guest guy was my biggest fan.

Sarlacc/Rancor 2020

The A.V. Club

Sometimes friction is stronger than tooth.
—my dentist as he begins to drill

Satisfaction AND guitar-playing talent.

They were just too young to have learned you should only murder for personal satisfaction, not for fictional internet monsters.

I do now.

It's the yin and yang of life.

But you can't know whether a given teen is promiscuous until the exclusive package is offered and either accepted or declined. We need that data.


As if anyone ever needed a motivation.

(I may not have actually been serious. Shh, don't tell anybody)