
Ego boosting?

The only thing Celebrity Name Game is good for is driving Seth crazy on UYD.

2010-2011 TV Season also holds a special place in my heart as it was around the best time of my life as well so the good TV is even better in my memory.

Funny and enjoyable episode. Only Nick should have gotten Jess.

Why are they uniformly awful?

There's different types of Let's Plays. I'd say it's more representative of someone who doesn't know what Let's Plays are, watches PewDiePie and then just assumes that's it.

I think you went there after they revamped the blogs. It used to be a small community that were able to talk about and share their interests.

Are there any awful Marvel shows that take 16 episodes to get decent that can support your claim?

How is that "desert southwest" again?

It wasn't the main problem but I absolutely hated people saying they liked the world when the world was so blatantly false I just could not buy into it.

The second season was even more removed from reality than the first. Their "satellite view" of the area was completely wrong and frankly confusing.

4, huh? I don't like you.

You're telling me I have to go meet at least 100 people first? Ugh…

Also screens

Archer was first.

It was originally just going to be a mini-series…

Was the HBO stuff too long ago to be considered recently?

I can't imagine somebody putting in the effort but if somebody cut the show down to just the Spader parts then it'd be a fun House sort of show. As it stands it could make for a decent Netflix sort of hate watch.

Attending UTEP wouldn't mean anything either way. Heck, her working at the EP Times doesn't mean anything. Still, given the show's portrayal of the two locations and how nice that apartment was, I'd guess it was supposed to be in El Paso.

Compared to Rick Perry and the general opinions of people in general I suppose but it's still doing the borderland a disservice.