
Some of those certain areas being the portrayal of El Paso almost completely?

We don't get insane amounts of snow or rain in El Paso. We get much more than our usual amount all at once and have no idea how to function with it. I was questioning what the weather was supposed to be like but it clearly is supposed to be not too long after a rainy period given all the green on the hills.

Where on earth are they that every hill is just so relatively green? That's pretty much my biggest quibble this week with the setting.

Citing but that's an interesting connection.

So how did they treat the borderland this week? Well it was pretty nice to see that they used an exterior shot of the Central police station. Not much in the way of region-specific things. Of course they continue to use too many white people but I'm seeing more hispanics so that's a good direction.

What would a native Texan sound like?

But they're not though. They're doing a little better so far this season I guess. El Paso is also one of the poorest cities in the nation and is not anywhere near as white as the show paints it.

The After? It was like Under The Dome in the worst way. It was just plain bad without any of the fun. I hope the series is more like Under The Dome. And that statement is why this show shouldn't exist.

What's the point of killing an annoying character or two if they're just going to be back as Dome Ghosts? Also, I was hoping forehead would lose her other mom. Then she could get adopted by a third mom who also dies. Oh, and maybe Dome Ghost mom too.

Settle down now. Under The Dome is stupid innocent fun. The Following is like actively taking bad drugs.

I thought Wilfred and Korra were a living reminder that TV is still here?

Aren't we still getting that though? In the second episode alone it could be seen as Ryan essentially letting his guilty conscience shine through and force him to confess what happened. Plus, he makes a weak Ryan attempt for Jenna only to stand aside immediately when he finds out what she seems to definitely want at

I don't much care for this tournament anymore.

What are you on about?

Define better.

New Girl?

We can't just give him the Grammy for the Ozymandias read?

Would Ned have been a good king?

Unless that season-end is Mhysa…

I'm with you on the White Walkers. Hey man, there's still Wildlings out there though. There's still time for them to show up and ruin everything for everybody.