
I have Blais' cookbook and it is amazing, I like him.

yeah in reality zombies wouldn't last long because insects and other animal scavenges would devour them like they do all other corpses

better than the long agonising death if she caught syphilis off Henry….

Was it just me in thinking Silas had passed into Katherine's body at the end there? I hope Katherine isn't gone for good!

oh okay, thanks

These guys are seriously stupid. What else would the "secret" note say but there is another hidden immunity idol. If I was in the losing team I would have started looking for that hidden idol back at camp immediately while the others were eating their ice cream.
Also who else voted for Mike? Troyzan? He did seem to

I would have like to have seen a douchey "frosted tipped" Sarah, a bit disappointing we had to skip straight to her being weak and vulnerable.  Even some choice insults thrown Chuck's way and some sexy strutting around the train carriage would have been sufficient.