
I liked this episode because is was Blam free, it was nice to see Mercedes and Mike again and Kurtcedes the OGM really made me notice how off kilter the newbies are. They are just blah… Love seeing Burt and glad that he isn't going to die and so happy he is NOT on the Klaine wedding band wagon. So does this means

Glee should stop trying to do PSA's it never ends well…

Do the writers actually read what they write? It seems that they are really don't care as long as there is a script. I thought Blaine wanted Sue gone so why is he trying to get her job back, so he can have her fire himself? Had to admit seeing the Original Six did bring out S1 feels giving this episode a C- for that

I give it a F Glee had no business doing a school shooting, how desperate do you have to be to do something like this to get ratings?