
I'm a full-on rapist. You know, old people, dyslexics, Africans….

Streets of Fire

Cell phones…
I always find myself thinking, "Why don't they just call each other?", even though I KNOW that is not an option. So many of the interesting plot points (The Chinese Restaurant, all of the airport just-missed-it situations) would have been impossible in this time of ubiquitous cell phones.

Also - I finally found an avatar I like, now I can't get the damn thing to show up - where the hell is it? Maybe it loved Allison and pined away…

I rather like the snappy-dressing and good grooming that is so frequently associated with gay guys; oh so much better than chubby, beer-swilling "These Colors Don't Run!" t-shirt and sweatpant bozos.

I hate to disagree, but I saw NIN in concert 4 months ago, and they are still a) incredible and b) relevant. Trent Renzor is one of the most enthusiastic performers I've seen (maybe 100 concerts in my life) and the music is both classic (Pretty Hate Machine) and current (Ghosts/the slip).