The Great Catsby

Classic Lemon!

Crosby is this season's Amber?
Todd mentioned that last season suddenly became more compelling when the actions of one Braverman had a domino effect on the rest of the clan (I'm assuming he was recalling when Amber slept with the generic Steve Williams) and it struck me that a very similar parallel can be drawn

I agree with Dude's Powdered Creamer. I was also going to say that I see The Ticket as anti-Rome take-themselves-and-sports-too-seriously douchers. Anyway, sports is really only half of the content on the station.

That wasn't the question. Do you like your job?

I think it's kinda funny how they sometimes introduce songs afterschool with a lame, "Here's a number Tina's been working on for regionals/sectionals. Go ahead, Tina!" Girl, please.

They played an awesome show in Austin, and the sound was great at Stubbs. They played 2 encores and Summer Babe. There were some technical difficulties but none that were blown out of proportion. I had the opportunity to go out with Bob Nastanovich and Steve West and all the techs after the show and it seemed like the

Gretchen gets complimented on her styling and gets passes more often because her model is such a stand-out.