Yon Yonson

Parks & Rec?
Seriously, no Parks and Recreation?
The fuck?
Fuck, fuck, fuck…

I think I speak for everyone when I say….

Sweep the leg!

Also big ups to Indiana beer.

I read about this too and I for one am very pissed. Networks always do this, bump critically acclaimed but, low-rated shows so they can promote a new show with an established lead-in. Such bull shit.

Nobody! Nobody!

Ted: I too saw the blurb and thought from the sound of it the episode was going to be terrible. So I DVRed it and watched it Friday and when I went to view it the blurb was still there. Maybe a first draft idea that got scrapped?

Money for nothin' and your chicks for free.

fail, cancerAIDS, etc. etc.

She kinda looks like Star Jones in that pic.

Winona Ryder was eating Gilbert Grape… at the time.

Comin' to save the mutherfuckin' day, yeah!

A double-double animal style with a strawberry shake and a white russian for a night-cap


White Castle will do that to you wolfman.

Hey everybody! There's a huge cloud of shit coming!!

Straight to DVD
A friend told me Coulier was in a new movie. I think he said it was called "You're So Veiny." It was in that one section of the movie store behind the dark, heavy curtain.

No love for Scent of a Woman, Hatch?

Feelin' It
There is just too much hate here…

I'll get Billy Bong Thorton…