Fermat Sim

Is it just me or is Alyson Hannigan getting hotter again?

I know someone said it before, but this show is more and more turning into "People who hate each other spending time together to make each other's life miserable".
Except maybe for the girls, who actually enjoys the company of the others?

I hope someone gets fired for this blunder!

Please don't call it like that…

Give them…

Ann Perkins dressing up as an American Olympic athlete? She should have gone as Jessica Ennis from the UK.
Every time I saw the latter during the Olympics I used to shout: 'Ann Perkins!'

Ann Perkins dressing up as an American Olympic athlete? She should have gone as Jessica Ennis from the UK.
Every time I saw the latter during the Olympics I used to shout: 'Ann Perkins!'

Two characters dressed up as Smurfs, and no one talking about how s/he "just blue myself"?
Oh, come on!
TBBT has stolen from Arrested Development before, what, now they're suddenly too good for it?

Two characters dressed up as Smurfs, and no one talking about how s/he "just blue myself"?
Oh, come on!
TBBT has stolen from Arrested Development before, what, now they're suddenly too good for it?