as long as it's not Barry's long-lost twin brother I can probably deal with it.
as long as it's not Barry's long-lost twin brother I can probably deal with it.
Flash started well but then got really dumb. This episode got dumb early and didn't budge.
Also Zoom had a ton more charisma than Pilgrim.
Get rid of Rip and have half the plot being the team trying to figure out what they're doing could even be interesting, heck get them lost in the multiverse and add Power Girl to the crew to replace Kendra!
Maybe even have an INTERESTING villain or two (only Negative Woman has come anywhere close to that for me).
Parts of this really were a slog though.
but they do it EVERY episode and then make the plot about how important that rule we just heard about is. Very hard to build any tension when the show tells us how important the long term plot is but always goes for an immediate unearned payoff.
Oh god, another Rip heavy episode. Just what we needed.
Add to that another unimpressive villain, and an entire new raft of calvinball rules about the timestream and you have something regarding dramatic paste to begin with, but more and more is added until it's just impossible to care.
A great ending to a really smart season.
The thing that's impressed me most over the year is how the show has managed to layer Greg, Josh and even Valencia, into very real characters without turning them into charictatures. Each one's got their good points, complex relationships and problems. There's a lot of funny…
She does like him, probably for realsies. But Greg had just left her in a really vulnerable state and Josh immediately came along and hit all her fantasy buttons.
Josh looked more worried that he'd broken up with one woman scheming to ensnare him to immediately find he's stuck with another.
I would really love to see s2 turn into a crazy ex-girlfriend-off between Valencia and Rebecca!
How about it's HER pod from the future, piloted back by The Legion of Super Heroes!
Streaky! Cat food sponsorshipsare lucrative too.
Other stuff: Non's Kryptonian army. Missing last episode this week it's handwaved that he's so sure he won that he already put them in sleep pods to take over the galaxy later.
This show has a brilliantly cast lead, hidden guns in Flockart's Cat & Harewood's J'onn and a supporting cast that generally rise to the occasion. It rightly has an optimistic take on heroism and has lovely moments with real heart. For a show of it's type the SFX and action is surprisingly well choreographed and…
It'd be interesting if something built up to it and we saw Ray making a decision to be so extreme. As an off-hand move it was pretty character destroying.
Sara & Mick were the highlight of the episode for me.
The Hex make-up was so understated that at first I thought he was meant to be a young Mick.
I thought that the show had read my mind as the first few minutes has them give a handwavey explanation for a couple of time laws (that will probably be ignored by episode end) and Rip bowing out.
After that it really did seem like they were going to have fun with it, but pretty soon it bogged down into a Ripfest…
The other wierd thing about this was that it also implied Shayera was ALSO killed every time, as the show has always refered to Savage killing 'us'.
That Shayera often doesn't is pretty much a new calvinball rule.
even more so because it was a direct result of Major's actions, even though he was ultimately attempting to help him.
3 zombies were taken away but only two came back, neither in very good state.