tanuki g

Either it's treading water or the show develops a need for every named character to disbelieve what a threat Killgrave is until they've been mind-controlled (I want to use the term 'purpalized', but it is 4am here).
Every single thing about Simpson from this point on.

Ignorong the 'they were around the corner all the time' set-up the part that didn't work for me was Killgrave playing it cagey until, presumably, faced with his parents and having cut his deal with Hogarth he let's rip. He didn't feel lik either a man dropping his game face when presented with an old hatred or

I was worried when I learned that there would be one villain the entire series, and unfortunately it is a problem later in the run where the show seems to lose control of its premise and secondary characters while stretching things out with trying to balance making Kilgrave threatening but not all-encompassing. A

which is sort of meaningless because it's been known to come after him when the plot requires it.

The last ten minutes taken on it's own was good and if it is the last we see of Clara then it was a good ending for her.
Unfortunately the first three-quarters of the show was rather static and yet so contrived you're just waiting for her to pop-up and go "Suprise, I'm ok after all!

The show is as good as Daredevil until most of the way in when it makes a sudden veer into CW sillineess but with more blood.
Loved it until the re-introduction of a certain character as a pill-popping psycho, the coloured-character quotient is suddenly halved and everybody starts to blame Jessica for everything. I'm

And seems to have forgotten all about Jose. Didn't mention him to Invisible-ninja-soldier-in-love-with-him woman or seem like he was looking for him, merely escaping.

If I had to bet I might say she'll be taken to Parkman to 'fix'.

Nope. It's apparently not important to the plot yet.

How is Miko in future? At a guess her father brought the program, which stopped recording at her 'death' but wasn't wiped, into the future and reactivated it then sent her on her mission to find 'the master of time and space' because he has a mental impairment that doesn't allow him to just come out and say anything

Miko's death was almost a real emotional point for the audience. Pity the show has undercut it almost immediately.

And why the hell did he need a suitcase of them? Was it the only source of pennies left on the continental US and he was hoarding them? Wouldn't just having a coin-purse and leaving the damned suitcase in the car make more sense?

This is a very prettily shot show, but that's just not enough anymore. It's a mess and it hasn't got better.

One running joke I loved this episode was Liv's growing frustration at convincing the magicians Wicked was really dead.
"I HELD HIS BRAIN IN MY HANDS." Well played all around.

That ghost story from his childhood really gave us a glimpse into what's behind Chad's psychosexual landscape.

Revenge boner.

The show is ridiculous and full of ridiculous people so I'm enjoying it.

There was some silliness to the proceedings and this weeks killer was pretty much obvious the second they came on screen but the show still managed to inch along the arc plot in some small ways. But, really, when you have dialogue and characterwork like this who cares?

The whole aspect of Henry discussing what it's like when everyone looks at you and sees someone who murdered his wife in front of his child kind of explains that. Even though he's now been exonerated Central City is not a comfortable place for him. He's spent some alone time (fishing!) and now he's getting a fresh

Even though this episode was low-key it never hit a bad note.
Grodd was used just right, emotional beats, enough action without the show seeming like they were avoiding it and motivation going forward. Reverse-Flash promised him Central City and he has no reason to not want that promised fulfilled in the future.