Carlos Marx

New Moon
Best place to meet single ladies this weekend!

You're not the guy in the office down the hall are you? He listens to the '90s station on the internet all day. I had forgotten about Michelle Branch until last week.

I second the Eno, but I prefer Apollo Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Its ambient its like nothing is playing at all.

I've worked at all three of those in the past 4 years. I'm currently at one where I can listen to whatever I want, which is so very nice. The other two, not so much. The worst is having nothing at all. I worked at a nature conservatory selling tickets. Even though we had the internet, we weren't allowed to surf

First clip
I like that in the first clip his reaction comes off like he is about to vomit. Its like that fan behind Stewart is blowing her horrible BO in his direction.

There's also this site which points out the locations used in both movies. This proves enough evidence that she's wrong in claiming New York as a city was underused:

You're not your. My bad.

The raccoon Mario is currently sitting on my desk. Many conversations have started with "Put down the Mario and let's talk about why your failing."

Actually I am shocked more by the failure to mention Michael Hogan. He's the recent addition I am most excited about.

Hot Fuzz and the Venture Bros.
These two have become the most quoted pop-culture products among my friends. From Hot Fuzz, we say "Yarp" and "Narp" when responding to simply yes and no questions. From Venture Brothers it is the line "Like the mirror, mirror version of Hank. Yea, evil Hank." a lot in various

A co-worker and I say "Thank God, the police" every-time we see the school security roaming the halls. It usually just causes confused looks.

When I was around 5, my brother and I watched a marathon of the first 3 Jaws movies. I was scared so badly, my parents had to cancel the family trip to Seaworld and the beach that summer. It is still a source of laughter and a sore spot for my family.

Man, I miss the days of buying booze in grocery stores. Here in Pennsylvania I have to go to a state liquor store or beer distributor and they don't stay open after 9. I could always buy a 6-pack from a bar or pizza place, but they charge too much.

Don't Panic
I have a first pressing, UK import of Dark Side of the Moon on vinyl that was given to my dad as a wedding present.

Here in Pittsburgh we even have a bar named Belvedere's. It has dollar PBR night every Thursday, which is great for those after class binge drinking sessions.

With every Animal Collective album I tend to listen to it, not like it, and forget about it. This has been going on for God knows how long. Now, I can honestly say that with Merriweather Post Pavilion I like an Animal Collective album. The cycle has truly been broken my friends.

For me what really turned me on about these books was where it was coming from. I think that they are written for people of a particular age group, especially those that grew up with the video games and music referenced in the book. To me that is what made me like them, they dealt with characters the same age as me

I feel like whatever they do with the mother, it is going to make the main premise seem thin. If they introduce the mother too early on and she is less than awesome, fans might get upset or it will make it all a letdown. However, if it keeps going with Ted dating girls who have no potential to be the mother, I can

Yea, I agree that it is not Robin. I just feel that the writers go to the Ted and Robin well way too often, which frustrates me. I just hope that it is all done and over with and we can move on to Barney and Robin, which is much better IMO.