
Not a date movie
One of the worst mistakes I've ever made was taking a first date to see Funny Games. She was an animal lover and she almost walked out on the scene with the dog. She was also crying and shaking for most of the ride home, after which I did not get laid. Surprise.

I'm from Cairo, and most people in Illinois still pronounce it like KYE-roe. They correct me when I say it wrong, and I always feel like a moron for just a second.

Malcolm X
I searched for this and didn't find it mentioned anywhere else. What do you think Spike meant to say by putting clips from Malcolm X in the credit sequence at the end? Was he admitting that even his own films, even accidentally, may prevent races from fully understanding each other? I think he was. And I

Malcolm X
I searched and didn't see this mentioned anywhere else. What do you think Spike meant by putting clips from Malcolm X in the credits sequence? Was he trying to admit that even his own films sometimes add to the problems with racial identification, maybe even without meaning to? I think so. And I obviously

I Liked
Michael being able to come across legitimately funny.
"Or a trained seal."