It's unlikely that anyone will read this. But for the sake of thoroughness, I'm following up with the only 3 I got right:
It's unlikely that anyone will read this. But for the sake of thoroughness, I'm following up with the only 3 I got right:
Is a pretty girl but looks a little bit like a giraffe. :/
What about…. At the 11th hour, Ken Cosgrove's father in law throws in and saves the company, on Ken's condition that he himself be made full partner. Season 5:
True to Sterling's words… this was the first episode we learned the background actor now known as Bill's name, and it was only so we could see him fired.
That's all I got for now.
Predictions thread
I've never gone public with this, but every season finale of Mad Men I've made a private list of about 15-20 things I can hypothetically imagine happening, some of which seem inevitable, but most of which are destined to be proven absurdly off base.
This episode hit me really hard.
Bill was my favorite character.