Pancakes for One

Wait… Both those albums were not popular when you said they were. Is this a weird joke I don't get?
Fleet Foxes came out in 2008. It was Pitchfork's #1 and AV openly made fun of them for it (which is lame, because it's a great record).

I have $100,000
and I will give it all to the person who does the most creative torture/mutilation/humiliation/mean thing to a Jersey Shore cast member.

This would have been funnier if I had just shut up after the Simpsons quote.

I laughed at the last sentence.

I'm an electric car
I don't go very fast
I don't go very far
and if you drive me
people will think you're gay
"One of us! One of us!"

I'd prefer Tracy Morgan.
It'd be so zany.

I'm real glad this man hasn't died yet
But I always expect him to die each year.

Are they still making new Real Sexes?
I liked that show.

@Arsinio: Now that's the clever snark I expect from you commenters! I genuinely chuckled.
@Sexy: I live in a college town and get a student discount. Apparently, prices were raised to $6.00 over the summer while I've been gone.
@Jesus: At first I thought you were a silly teen, now I know you're a clever master of

Speaking of N.W.A.
Remember when you weren't a huge fucking shill?

Any hope for that P.T. Anderson movie?
Last I heard was it didn't have financial backing. It sounds amazing and I want it to exist so hopefully it will.

As I watched I thought "Every single part of this is how I would react." up until Sean starts getting punched and Louie says to stop. I certainly would have enjoyed someone who humiliated me getting hit by his shitty father.

The Shield! There we go!

The Wire. Lost, kinda… Uh… Deadwood, but not of its own accord. Help me out guys…

Smoke in the morning
Smoke after school

I feel like Crank 2 was better than Shoot Um Up! because while Shoot Um Up! was winking at the crowd, Crank 2 was almost screaming "This is what you idiots want right? You said you wanted action, and here you go you dumb mother fuckers."

But is it better than Crank 2?
Remember that controversy? When people were like AV Club can't like this movie! I didn't see it, but I don't want to, therefore they can't!

Look at this hunk! Thinks he doesn't have to do exercise just because he's a hunk. I'm leaving these comment boards, just filled with a bunch of hunks anyway.

J-Lo's demands: