Pancakes for One

I Hate The Hollywood Storyline
It seems like every other storyline can be a synecdoche for something bigger in American culture or even [adopts pretentious tone] The Human Condition. BUT I have no idea what the Hollywood storyline is trying to say by the end of season 2. It seemed masturbatory and lame, like the

I was going to download this,
but I just downloaded Symphony of Night instead.

Can a show like Jersey Shore actually jump the shark?
Explain how it can. Someone, explain how this show's "plot spins off into absurd story lines or unlikely characterizations"

Dear A.V. Admins
As someone who checks your site a lot, and someone who needs to embed videos in blogs, it would sure be swell if you guys could make these embedable. I have a strong feeling that that's something that would be somewhat difficult, but if you do it everyone will love it and they'll love you too.

Their drummer is 14
and fucking phenomenal.

Perhaps I am a philistine,
But I liked the American version much better.

I liked Youth in Revolt. I want to read the book.

Sean, that was a great Ted Kennedy joke
And lord knows I love a good Ted Kennedy joke.

You're just bumping this because…
they bumped your Superchunk video.

This actually has a lot of potential
Del Toro is weird and Terminator 2 looked really pretty.

Best Song by a man who has no talent or reason to be famous since…
I heard Mike Posner's latest hit!

Anyone else think this girl has no business being on the Daily Show?
I won't even try to argue she's not pretty. She's very very pretty.

I've only watched through season 2 so far so don't spoil,

I haven't seen the episodes for a month now…
This prison idea is very clever. I like it. One thing though,

Does anyone else think Lisa is ok looking?
She's not pretty. No way.

Taken by Trees Animal Collective cover
I think this is better than the original. It's called My Boys.

I'll be there.
I'll be wearing clothes.

I read a lot of the stories in here. Mixed bag, but some were cool.

This interview went terribly, yet the writer was marvelous at saving it
Bradbury couldn't be anymore contentious. He's a total prick. Yet the author was able to think up good questions on the spot. Nice job.

Wait though! See the Childrens Hospital one for guaranteed laughs and fun.