Pancakes for One

Wow. The above commenter is not me, yet he has the same wants and needs as me. Could he be… Me?

If I had seen this comment I still would have made my comment saying the same thing.

At Awesomecon or is he also at Comic Con?

Holy poop yes!

The Adult Swim Panels
All of these sound pretty cool, but I think the ones with the Venture Bros. creators and perhaps the Look Around You! people would be really cool to hear about. Especially VB.

I find this her much prettier in real life than on the show
They make her look weird on Mad Men. Especially the few episodes with chunky Peggy.

Wow, it's growing faster than I thought 6.7 and expected to be an even 7 by next year.

They're in the midwest, but we call them bros. They're also chunkier out here to stay warm.

The Earth's population is about 6.5 billion.


I can't get 60 Seconds to Save the Queen to work.
Just loads the title screen and won't let me play. Am I supposed to click something?

Better decade for movies: 1960's, also 1970's.

My favorite column
Do it weekly.

Tim Burton sucks a lot now.
Remember when he used to write cool movies that showed originality and vision? In fact, I was still a baby then.

Everything about the rest of the series is better, yet vol. 3 is still fucking amazing.

Save the longer post for the finale
I don't really get the dream stuff. It felt like an episode that was trying to be hard to understand and it would benefit a lot from extended analysis. Plus you'll go out with a big long bang.

MTV hasn't done many live0action short-film comedy shows…
Except The State. Which they did. So, they have done one before and it was really successful and you work with a lot of the people who wrote/acted in it.

He ran against Bush I.


So we're not going for laughs huh?
I really like this show, and I really like C.K., but I've resigned to the fact that it's not supposed to be funny. It actually makes me sad at how resigned and down to earth it is (I'm not old, I'm the other part of the David Bowie lyric).