Pancakes for One

Why are you bashing King of the Hill? King of the Hill is a great show.

But Mr. Burns, that's the Ramones….

Establishing Grandpa as one of the funniest characters
With that angry, metafictional monologue.

Disagree with those who hate funny
Pancakes for One likes this Newspost.

Come see Ted Leo at Pygmalion Music Festival
In Champaign Urbana. Cap'n Jazz will be there too! Also, I'll be there.

So the original wasn't a ripoff?
Did the Brits do this? I wouldn't put it past them. I've heard about a little country called India that they didn't treat so fairly in the past…

Why's this up so early?
I'll come back at 10:30 Central (unless they're showing two again) but I thought I'd ask out of curiosity.

How? How are you seeing him? I'm looking for tour dates and only see one, on July 10, in Canada. Where are these tour dates? GIVE THEM TO ME

Wait a second internet stranger!

@Farmer John: Really cool idea. I've been thinking about that a lot too (still no where near done with the series) and I'm wondering whether Tony will always take a cop out of "I'm a product of society." stance or come to see that he could have made different choices…

Let's Haul Ass to Lollapalooza!
Here we go again…

The Poster
is pretty clever though. I like that they have pictures of these actors as little kids. When I saw the poster I said to myself "Ha! That's all I needed to see, but I'm glad I saw this poster."

I Love You Beth Cooper: The Book: The Movie
The movie SUCKED but the book was worth reading. It was honestly the closest thing I've seen that recreated a Simpsons episode through text.

Thanks guys.


Song at the end of the episode?
Not to bombard this board with comments, but who was that at the end of the episode? I really liked that song. Does anyone have the artist and title?

Tony's use of Historical allusions
I like how Chase (or whoever decided to do this) keeps reiterating how Tony loves history. He watches The History Channel multiple times and makes reference to how it's something he enjoys learning about (also, the line in "College" about how he would have liked to have gotten a

Yeah, I couldn't believe how awesome this movie was. Kafkaesque in a good way.

Already done!
It was awesome. I was reluctant to read it, but it was so cool. Better than the movie. Good choice.

I liked The Hobbit better than the LOTR trilogy
I thought it was easier to read and more interesting. LOTR books were BORING. Anyone agree?