Pancakes for One

I cried twice during TS3

If this is any consolation, it has a very rich and deep story mode. It's a really creative use of video game fiction.

The Dot and the Line comparison is spot on. I will however say that I thought this short was VERY STRONG and actually quite astute in its story telling.

Having just returned from the midnight screening I can honestly say:


I also hated him for being a "privileged, pretentious, hipster snot" but that's because he reminded me of myself and I'm filled with constant self-loathing.

My Overall Ellis Problem
Imperial Bedrooms would reject readers' sympathy if it could ever earn it could just as well be rewritten as ALL OF BRET EASTON ELLIS' WORK would reject readers' sympathy if it could ever earn it.

I wonder when we'll stop hearing about these people.
I hope soon.

Favorite Episode This Season?
Mine is Fly.

I've heard about this. Can you link please?


I did. I also might be that weirdo. It was two eccentric dudes (I wouldn't ever call Gayl a douche. He was super nice) and we got along great. Any other roommate would have killed either of us.

I tell people who don't watch TV that they are boring and then I eventually grow to hate them.

Rubicon Discussion Thread!
Can this be it? A proper review would be cool.

Warren Oates, I agree This interview is short. Also, the questions were good and the answers were kind of shitty. This is a key example of why journalism is hard.

Thanks everybody. I'll update my library hold list and amazon cart.

Fantasy Primer
I don't know if this is the best place (but heck, good as any right?) but I want to start reading fantasy that isn't crap (I don't like the Forgotten Rhelms books I've tried, nor the Magic: The Gathering novelizations).

I check the internet when I'm at home!

Do they ever intend on moving to another network?
Why doesn't Apple want to do that? Wouldn't that make iPhone sales go through the roof?

@Snipe hunter