Pancakes for One

Good comparison Zack (BB to The Wire).

I liked when Jesse looked at Walt, Gus rose his voice like a dad does, and Jesse's eyes jumped right back to Gus.

They gave ONE A+.

Mike the Cleaner always seemed like a good actor; tonight he proved he's a great actor.

Check it Out! Soon to appear on Blu-Ray!
This press release was sent out the other day:

The meth one was genius because it looked like he was breaking the lens of the camera.

Badger was on Community before. He delivered a pizza. Badger is actually a guy named Matt **something** and he's a pretty talented improv comedian.


Does Gus Have Kids?
He said he doesn't make the dish often because the kids won't eat it.

Pretty positive it was picked up for another. AV reported that. It was picked up after the first episode of this season.

I hated this film.
After seeing it on the Best of the Decade list I thought I'd check it out. I wish I hadn't. The pacing was WAY off forcing us to watch a man meander around the Parisian woods. The big reveal came right at the end but didn't show Vincent actually coming to terms with his lies, or the consequences his

Charlie Crist is Gay
Watch the documentary Outrage. He's almost without a doubt a homosexual (which is fine). He also passes staunch anti-homosexual legislation like refusing to let gay couples adopt (which is not fine).


The of Montreal Song
Is their best since Hissing Fauna. Eh?

To his credit, it was the only thing that slowly stopped the ache.

I'll say a prayer
that the rest of the band buys better drugs.

How did you not like 4 Days Out? This ep and that one are not the same. 4 Days was fucking INTENSE all the way though. Honestly, they could have died the entire time and then they solved it with a cool trick. That's just a sweet little adventure.

Leonard, why'd you almost die?
Because of the episode or some extraneous circumstance? Please, explicate.
