Pancakes for One

People who think To Kill a Mocking Bird is racist…
Should be framed for murder and put to death.

It's a French word! Feminine words have e at the end! Hooray for taking French, a dying language without immediate practical use, instead of taking Spanish, a language that will soon be required of all American children. Yay!

Frost Nixon was pretty good. I liked Milk too.

Oh Dear Jesus I hope this sketch makes a triumphant (LIKE THE COMIC DOG!) return when Conan calls TBS home.

Why Land of the Lost?
Seriously? What's extraordinary about this site?

If Coheed sucks Rush sucks
Good thing neither suck and this album rocks pretty damn hard (like nothing Coheed's made since Keeping Secrets).

Not that anyone is reading these comments…

Funnier than anything the Onion's done in months
Good job Sean.

I'm all for The Terror as well.

I second Snow Crash.

Best Images of the Episode
A bunch of piles of money juxtaposed next to the scales of justice.

The pizza place by my house calls it "Fiesta".

I think you do trade them in and I also think Jesse has gone through 45 days sober.

That Last Video
Is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

If you picked Faulkner you don't really need to read Jane Austin.

I disagree!
This book was genuinely fun to read and mainly because the author stayed faithful to Lincoln and Lincoln's life (…stick with me)

John Malkovich will play a giant robot named John Malkovich who faces existential crisis regarding the self-identity of John Malkovich.

While it looks very funny,
It will certainly be canceled.

Dear John Teti
Would you please tell us about your FF Thesis Paper?

This is a great idea!