Pancakes for One

I wish there was a pill I could take that lets me sleep until this date.

I think this one isn't as emotional, but it's also really thoughtful in it's composition and lyrics. It seems like a great album to listen to if you have the tendency to be sad (everyone except awful people), but want to hear something pragmatic yet uplifting.

Just like Midnight Organ Fight
This will be in my CD player for a long long time.

Weird Question
I don't listen to this band. They sound nice, perhaps I should, but…

Sometimes apples can show their true colors: i.e. red.

lololololol @ the Latin comment.

I'm surprised The Road wasn't better than it is.

My whole moral system comes from a little bit of Kirkengard, a little bit of Camus, some Nietzsche for effect, and a whole fuck ton of Tucker Max.

How the fuck do you adapt a poem and pseudo-literary criticisms into a movie?


A riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved. Riddles are of two types: enigmas, which are problems generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that require ingenuity and careful thinking for their solution, and conundrums, which

Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals (self masturbation), often to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Masturbation is

A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioural pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as part of normal development or culture. The recognition and understanding of mental health conditions has changed over time and across

The word cartoon has various meanings, based on several very different forms of visual art and illustration. The artists who draw cartoons are known as cartoonists.
The term has evolved over time. The original meaning was in fine art, where cartoon meant a preparatory drawing for a piece of art, such as a painting or

I thought it was cool. Read it in high school too; basically, it's Phil. 101, but without papers or grades. So, just learning. Do you like the sound of that?

Notes from Underground is a great example of one of these books.

"History is full of assholes"


A People's Historian
People's History is a great (and bias, and incomplete) look at America. Even if you disagree with most of the stuff he says it's hard to say the average American working-man (and woman!) haven't had a big impact on our country.

Tom Waits
Do you think Ferris included Waits just to get to use the phrase "Walkin' Spanish Down The Hall", because he likes Tom Waits, or because he was trying to make a subtle narrative point. Anything that references Tom Waits is both delightfully post-modern, and bound to get my seal of approval.