Johnny Truant

Rust spent almost 12 years in the 'wilderness' too…

erm, in recent-ish years the best fictional UK tv series have, in my personal opinion, been:

erm, in recent-ish years the best fictional UK tv series have, in my personal opinion, been:

Really surprised to see so much love for this show on here. It's an embarrassing farce. Badly written, badly directed, badly acted, badly edited and with plot holes you could handbrake turn a double-decker bus through. Not to mention the sheer implausibility of every single development and die-cut characterisation.

Really surprised to see so much love for this show on here. It's an embarrassing farce. Badly written, badly directed, badly acted, badly edited and with plot holes you could handbrake turn a double-decker bus through. Not to mention the sheer implausibility of every single development and die-cut characterisation.

"Perfect and noble"?

Yeah, and what about that creepy Nabokov guy too?
What a disgusting pervert!
And then that sicko Kubrick made it into a comedy movie with Captain Nemo and Inspector Clouseau!
Ban this sick filth!

This is a damning indictment of Veena Sud's character and tastes. But then I didn't come up with an original concept for a procedural like she…oh…

This site has some of the funniest and erudite comment sections going but the way some people reacted to Simon's remarks, twice removed from context in a piece of shoddy hungry-for-page-impressions churnalism, the other day makes me think that if anyone ever criticised their own carefully crafted five season award

I think he's got a point.
The Wire's like the tv equivalent of the Sex Pistols gig at Manchester Free Trade Hall; if all the people who still incessantly bang on about it whilst claiming to have been there from the beginning actually were it would have been the highest rated show on tv.A lot of the self-important